
My Beautiful Beltane 2012

_DSC7886Have I been slacking or what? Oopsie!  I have been spending a ton of time reading lately, as well as stressing, but, I’m pushing past that, in the mean time, here is some info on how we spend our Beltane in my house.

The day started out with me adding some mead and water to the altar as offerings and then doing my Beltane Oracle reading, which I wrote about right afterwards.  It was an interesting reading and has been on my mind ever since I had the reading.  Not long after I finished that post, a couple of friends stopped by to offer us a bit of company. We talked a bit about the day, plans, entheogens, and life in general. As our visit came to a close, they offered me some mushrooms which have been waiting under my altar for the right time of use, which originally was going to be Beltane Eve, but didn’t happen as by the end of the evening, I was just exhausted and felt that the Super Moon/Full Moon/Lunar Beltane would be a better time, as it would be somewhat of a powerful and significant day, but, that also, did not take place, as it just didn’t feel like the right time. So now, they sit, and they wait for me to come to them and ask for their wisdom.

_DSC7890_DSC7884After our visit, I went out and collected some flowers to add to the center of the altar which turned out beautifully and added just the right feel and energy to the altar for me. After the flowers had been gathered, I went to pick up some friends to come over and celebrate Beltane by drinking copious amounts of mead and then, by making some mead. There was music, drinking, snacks, and lots of general enjoyment all around. One of the batches of mead made was a lavender batch, the other, was a mint, juniper berry, and strawberry mix (unfortunately, the latter was put into a glass bottle, sealed up, and subsequently exploded the next morning).

After taking the company to their various homes, I came back home and my honey and I had a couples ritual with the Beltane incense burning next to the bed.



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