
Page 123 Meme

Rebecca, over at Writer's Round About invited her readers to join her in the Page 123 Meme. It's an interesting concept, and intrigued me to give it a go for some fun. Will it add insight to a current situation, or a laugh that is well needed? Lets find out.

1- Pick up the nearest book.
This is the omnibus, His Dark Materials, Written by Philip Pullman. It is the trilogy combining The Golden Compass and it's two sequels, The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass. I finished it back in December, but it has been sitting next to my laptop ever since then.

2- Open to page 123.

3-Find the fifth sentence.

4- Post the next 3 sentences.
The ship's stores were searched for oilskins that could be cut down for her, and Jerry showed her how to sew, an art she learned willingly from him, though she had scorned it at Jordan and avoided instruction from Mrs. Lonsdale. Together they made a waterproof bag for he alehiometer that she could wear around her waist, in case she fell in the sea, she said. With it safely in place she clung to the rail in her oilskins and sou'wester as the stinging spray broke over the bows and surged along the deck.

5- Tag five others.
As Rebecca did, I am going to be breaking this rule and instead of tagging five other people, I am going to encourage my readers to go and post their own Page 123 Meme and come back and leave me their link, which I plan to make a list of at the bottom of this post. I hope you all enjoy.


Rebecca Laffar-Smith said...

Wow! Great book. I haven't had a chance to read that trilogy yet but I'm looking forward to it. I wonder if the movies echo the books well. Some book to movie transitions are terrible but this story deserves to be told well on the screen.

Thanks for sharing your Page 123.

Anonymous said...

I'll work on this.

Hey, I fixed my burner, so you can subscribe now:-)
