Blue Lace Agate is one of the rarer forms of Agate, discovered in Africa and still mined there to this day. It is characterized by a light blue color, typically with wavy lines across its surface.
Candle Color: Pale blue.
- Chakra: Throat.
- Cleansing: Use the light of the waxing moon to recharge blue lace agate.
- Element: Air/water.
- Flowers & Plants: Bluebell, forget-me-not and periwinkle.
- Herbs - Incenses - Oils: Fern, star anise, vervain and yarrow.
- Planet: Neptune.
- Zodiac: Aquarius.
- Use blue lace agate to help with noisy domestic animals.
- Use it to help soothe restless children.
- Use blue lace agate to send peace energy to war zones.
- It is a calming stone and can make one feel lighter and more positive.
- It is good for headaches, sore throats and swollen neck glands. It also calms stress and soothes skin conditions.
- Blue Lace agate is a peacemaker and will help avoid confrontation at family gatherings.
- Blue Lace Agate can be used to remove tension from relationships and household situations.
- It is protective against anger from others.
- It will help develop clairaudience and give difficult divination readings a positive boost.
- It Is The Stone Of: Public speakers.
- It is good for communication and clear thinking.
- It can help with stuttering, headaches, arthritis and emotional tension and anxiety. Used in treatment of arthritic conditions, strengthen skeletal structure, mending breaks & fractures, remove blockages of nervous system & capillaries, disorder of the pancreas & glands associated with digestion. Heals sore throats, hoarseness, & opens voice.
- It helps you to think on your feet when giving speeches at work.
- Can help reach extremely high spiritual spaces.
- Can also be used for fluid balance around the brain, & to diminish dilation of the blood vessels of the iris.
- Aids speaking out, self-expression, emotional truths, courage, shyness.
- It is an inspiring stone that can assist in inner attunement, and has been used to perform miracles.
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