
Endless Journeys

I keep forgetting to mention this, but a photograph of my buggy that I edited has made it into a book! The name of the book is Endless Journeys, and I have actually heard quite a bit about it. Both good, bad, and neutral. The good that I've heard is that it's a wonderful book filled with wonderful pictures. The bad? It's a scam. The reason people say it's a scam is because if you win the contest and get your photo submitted into the book, then you have to pay near $80 to receive a copy of the book. I've also heard that once you pay the $80, some people had to wait upwards of 2 years after they won to receive their bought copy of the book. I've also heard from people who say they had no problem with the book, but that once they received it they found that it wasn't as much of an honor as they had though. As for wether or not I'll order the book... I haven't decided. I'd love to have a book that show's a picture of Ki as a baby for her to keep until she get's older. As for the photo?


1 comment:

Kiddo Bliss said...

I love pictures like this... and she looks adorable.